civil order
- 民事裁定

Their roles and function in generating rural civil order have just proved my conclusion .
Civil Order without Law : Take the Road of Director Xu 's Family as the Breakthrough Point
The morals and law are the two important kinds of social standard to adjust people 's behavior and keep the civil order .
Whether and how to apply it in China are related to many people 's interest and the harmoniousness of the civil order .
In the eyes of order theory sociologists ," harmonious society " means the stability and unanimity of the civil order ;
Organizing course that have two kinds of main mechanism , construction and spontaneity , is also the course of generating of some social civil order .
The appearance of this colony causes a great deal of social security questions , which have great dange to the civil order .
Gift of the Western Zhou Dynasty is formed under the thought that men enjoy higher status than women social estate system of ethics civil order .
Analyse , the administration of justice safeguards the civil order theoretically , regulate the social contradiction , balance social interests , can realize being just .
In traditional Chinese society , civil order depends mainly on the " manners " which is accumulated into practice to maintain , the state law on civil order control is limited .
This kind of method can help us to seek the compromise between legal justice and social morals law in the judicial course , realize the harmonious development of the legal civil order .
And the upsurge of the price of grain caused numerous social crises in some period in the Tang Dynasty , including the serious crises of social life and civil order .
Proceed with just concept and analyze , the key question of talking about civil order of western social philosophy is just at first , fairness becomes permanent topics of jurists too .
To be specific , the legitimate ground of prescription of execution of sentence embodies the following aspects : actor improved , aim of general prevention unattainable , civil order restored and social justice satisfied .
" father of sociology " Kong De speak of of the social dynamics theory , social progress is the development of the civil order , human progress of intelligence make society from unordered to develop into in order .
From Meyrowitz 's point of view , the media linguistic context has produced two influence on the civil order : the microcosm is that its various circulation way makes people 's psychological experience cut apart as well as unified ;
Women repel by the words of Philippine Les centre , code of ethic , ruling and oppression to regard man as the centre the civil order mode of surviving its , have become the woman slave under chains of man right .
This text still passes for expressing studying to the ideal civil order and map of Kaifeng of Ming Dynasty of the understanding of the life style under the guidance of certain values , go still one step further to expound the function of combing of the cityscape .
The Principle of Good Faith and the Security of Civil Lawsuit Order
Civil protection order system should be introduced into China 's anti-domestic violence
Analysis on the Institution of Civil Protection Order On the Confess Institution MYOCARDIAL PROTECTION
Part IV : Some views on adopting the institution of civil protection order .
Among these methods , civil protection order was proved to be the most direct , effective , and efficient way .
In this part , the author abstracts the common characteristics of civil protection order by comparing the legislation and definition of civil protection order of other countries ' .
After months of waiting , Ms Lee has been granted a civil protection order forbidding her husband to come within 200 metres of her .
Another innovation of this article is the analysis of extraterritorial legislation and practice in civil protection order system . Comparative analysis of the processes and entities of civil protection order system of the United Kingdom , the United States , Japan and Taiwan .
Litigious frauds not only go against the litigious duties of litigants , disrupting the normal civil litigious order , but also lead the people 's courts concerned to wrong cognizance to cases then wrong trials at law .
Such as the United States of America formulate and revise a series of laws to punish acts of family violence , and create the civil protection order system ; British law clearly defines the two decree : prohibit harassment and deportation to protect the rights of victims .
Network Environment and Construction of New International Civil and Commercial Order
The effectiveness of law means effectively guiding civil actions in order to realize legislative purposes .